Wetland and Waterway Consulting

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Do you have wetlands on your property that will stop you from building?

How do you apply for the necessary environmental permits from the DNR?

Does a navigable waterway on your site limit its development potential?

Can you know before you purchase a piece of property which permits will be required?

My name is Dave Meyer and I know how to answer those questions as well as the other questions you will encounter as you attempt to identify wetland boundaries and obtain environmental permits. Wetland & Waterway Consulting, LLC specializes in providing wetland delineations and permitting advice to developers of commercial and residential properties as well as single family homeowners.

Many of you already know me and have worked with me on wetland delineations and permitting issues while I was an environmental permit project manager for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in Waukesha and in my capacity as a wetland and surface water permitting specialist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. After more than 20 years of federal and state service, I offer my expertise as a private consultant.

Because I have worked directly for the Army Corps and the WIDNR in reviewing and issuing wetland and navigable waterway permits, I know what types of projects stand a good chance of being permitted and what types do not. Before you buy a piece of property, I will tell you what percentage of it is unlikely to be developed as a result of various environmental restrictions. With this information, you can negotiate a price per acre that accurately reflects the profit margins you need. If you already own the property, I can help you identify the wetlands on it and assist you in applying for the permits that you will need from the WIDNR and Army Corps. And, if local zoning boards require you to develop a management plan to set aside portions of your development as natural areas and open space. I will work with your design engineers and landscape architects to produce this plan for you.

I would like to discuss your specific needs and how I may assist you.

You may call me at 262-719-4286 to describe your project and schedule a site visit.

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